See puffins on the Isle of Staffa

We’ve just heard that the Puffins on Staffa have arrived this year and we’re really excited!

When you think about spring in Scotland you probably think about cute little lambs leaping about fields and trees blossoming so Puffins probably aren’t the first things that come to mind!

Puffin Passion

Well, they maybe aren’t spread across Scotland but they are very much a part of the landscape on Staffa and the Treshnish Islands during late spring and summer as they descend on these Scottish islands to breed and lay their eggs.

These comical birds are a huge draw for visitors visiting Staffa, from April through to early August, who can get up close to them on the island as well as enjoy the splendour of Fingal’s Cave and the views from the top of the island.

To see them for yourself, all you need to do is book on to our Three Isles Tour where you can visit Mull, Iona and Staffa in one day.